Writer's Corner #2: Criticism
Writer's Corner #2 Criticism I: What is Criticism? Such an easy question, right? I mean, criticism is when someone says something bad about your work. At least, that's the definition everyone seems to attach to this word. And, yes, you're right, but it gets more specific than that. Constructive Criticism: This should be your favorite one to receive. Not only does it tell you what could use fixing with your literary piece, but it is also worded in a way that you don't feel bad or want to spit a retort. An example of this would be, "I really liked the suspense in the story, but you are focusing on the eyes a bit too much. I would recommend also describing other body languages, like their hands or feet. Other than that, I really like it!" Blunt Criticism: This is a bit hard to take, but is still useful. It tells you what is wrong with your story but doesn't provide any padding to soften the blow. This DOESN'T mean you should respond in a...