Film Corner ~ Speed

So, I'm trying something different.
I know this is a "Writing Corner" but I have a lot of work to do so I can't really post the usual posts or even Sketchcrap, so I'm doing these quick unedited reviews.

1. Speed
Scale: -10 to 10

Quality: 7 (85%)

Quality Summary: The stunts and practical effects were very pleasing to the eye, a rare occurence for an action movie. The acting was very real and, hell- this whole movie feels real. I only take off points because the movie stays very safe and I feel that experimentation, while always being a risk, would help this movie feel a little bit less bland.

Characters: 4 (60%)

Character Summary: The characters were fine. I mean, the plot in this case was more engaging than the characters and it's clear that the focus is the plot, but I feel like some chemistry and development would be nice. Again, I know it's an action movie, and character development is a rarity among that genre, but... still. Also, Jack and what's-her-face have absolutely no chemistry. How did they manage to date for two years?!

Premise/Plot: 8 (90%)

Premise Summary: An extremely creative idea played out almost perfectly, I feel like the only drawback was the lack of support there was for this unique concept. The premise is a solid 10, but I have to take away points for the plot taking way too damn long. It didn't drag on too long, though, and, in the end, this is still one of the best action movies I've ever seen.

Enjoyability: 8 (90%)

Enjoyability Summary: Though I have to admit that I wasn't looking forward to this movie despite good reviews, it completely sucked me in. Honestly, this movie wasn't the most profound or thoughtful, but an exciting plot and great effects make this definitely in my top 20 favorite movies. Probably not top ten, though give me some time and I might warm up a bit.

OVERALL: 6.75 (83.75%)


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